Rcc Or Rock climbing camp and Nature study camp is the first step for all the future explorers. It is a 4 day camp in the base of hills.Generally it takes place during winter months of November to February.Students between 8 to 14 years of age go for Nature study camp and students above 14 years of age go for Rcc camp.
There they learn about camping,basics of rocks,knots,mountain equipments , mountain manners and above all group work. After completing the course they are bound to stretch their limits to a greater height.
Once they completed it properly intersted persons go for advance courses.For the members of the organization it is like an annual get together or an annual grand programme for all . Till now we have completed 25 RCC camps in various parts of West Bengal. This is such a programme for which all wait for through out the year.
Any body above 8 ears old with sportive spirit can join in this camp.